

Tomorrow, I will visit Grandma;
she spends too much time alone.

The toddler has the flu,
the baby’s cutting teeth;
the teenager did not come home…

Tomorrow I will take Grandma
some cookies or fresh bread,
she hardly cooks anymore…

I had to work overtime,
the husband was laid off,
and I really should get to the store…

Tomorrow is so easily said,
but life gets in the way.
People you meant to appreciate,
important things you meant to do…

I will make all the arrangements,
I will invite her last few friends,
and the family she barely knew…
Tomorrow I will mourn her,
and regret all the tomorrows gone.



She’d loved him not so long ago
with more than her whole heart
She’s leaving him now
with less than half her soul

She wonders if he’ll ever know
how his silence tore her apart
she wishes she could disavow
that his love was just a role

She tried to make a happy home
to keep everything just right
he never noticed she was always there
never showed her any sign

She’d lie awake all alone
in their bed each night
telling herself he really did care
he just needed a little time

In the morning she would wake
dry the tears he’d never see
and go on about her day
as if there were nothing wrong

He cannot see the smiles are fake
cannot feel her misery
would it matter to him anyway
if his love had ever been strong

She won’t bother to say goodbye
she knows he wouldn’t even hear
she packs her things without a sound
leaves nothing of herself behind
there are no tears left to cry
no more pain to fear
will he miss having her around,
will she even cross is mind?

She has her life now to live,
someday she will love again,
someone who’ll deserve her love
who will love her in return

He never had any love to give
he only knew how to pretend
and sure as the stars above,
she knows he’ll never learn

In her head she’s done believing,
in her heart she hears a voice
tell her that there is nothing else
that she could really do

She’s really only leaving
because she has no choice
she’s done lying to herself
that his love was ever true



I can almost see the spirits here
certainly their pain I feel
I understand as well their fear
their anger too is just as real

A thousand years they lived this land
elders, hunters, children and wives
history and heritage we wouldn’t understand
so we discredited and destroyed their lives

Used the trees to build our dreams
the animals for more than our needs
not as endless as they seemed
even now the land still bleeds

So convinced we were better than they
convinced ourselves we had the right
to condemn them, to kill them, to send them away
astonished and insulted by their choice to fight

Less than human we honestly believed
we actually tried to save their souls
while we murdered, stole and deceived
in righteous destruction to achieve our goals

Only now do we regret our choices
too late we realize we were wrong
my heart listens to their spirit voices
sing so sadly their grieving song

They mourn the lessons we should ‘ve learned
they weep for the lives they deserved to live
and pray to their creator to forgive us who spurned
the friendship, trust, and wisdom they wanted to give


This is the only one ever published in print, the only one I ever had the courage to submit. The pic is my maternal grandparent’s home, La Pointe Wi. My family is Ojibwe, and French Canadian.



My chosen path


Sometimes, I wish I could start my journey again, one more chance to live my life a different way. I believe that I have done the best I could with the paths I have chosen. I only wonder if perhaps I turned down a trail or two that I was meant to pass by and if given another chance, would, or even should have chosen another direction to travel. Perhaps it would have made my travels more, or less painful, for myself and those who traveled with me.

I can look back and see the road that has led me to where I am today. I understand that as a child, not all the choices were mine to make, that my direction through life was mapped out by the choices that the adults on my path made for me. I choose to believe that they made their choices based on my best interests, as they believed. I also acknowledge that as I was growing up, I sometimes took the path that would lead me away from situations and circumstances that I had no other control over, other than to leave them behind quickly and without question. Sometimes the only path available was one that would have devastating consequences, which would take me down another path better left untraveled.

As an adult, my choices were mine alone and I made mistakes, but I accept and acknowledge my responsibility. I have gotten myself as lost as a soul can be; I have stood on my path and seen absolutely no clear direction in which to turn, I have wandered off my path into unforgiving wilderness of my own making. The mistakes I have made are lessons I have learned and they are a part of who I am today.

All along my path through life, I have had people who cared about me and who have helped guide my way. Quite a few times one of those guiding hands had to give me a good shove in the right direction, and times when one of those hands had to grab ahold of me and pull me back from a road leading to destruction. Even with those caring hands and hearts to help me, still I managed to elude them and stumble the wrong way more times than I care to admit.

I believe that fate and destiny are not the same thing, they are connected though, and one leads to the other, always. Fate draws the map, the paths you take by choice or otherwise, destiny is the end of the road that you will someday, somehow end up reaching regardless of the paths that led you there.

Everyone is given a destiny for their soul, and fate will lead you there, but she has a laugh or twenty along the way, because she is a vindictive bitch with a warped sense of humor.

This Time


I have left our life before
But this time I did not waver
I am not afraid of being myself
Any more
I have learned from my mistakes
I am going to succeed,
My dreams are mine to chance
Only I can fail at any task
I undertake
In order to be the kind of mother
That I want to be, first I have
To be the person that I want to be
I was to be decent and strong
I was meant to be myself
And no other
When I left this time
I had no idea where
I was going, I only knew
That the path I was given
Was the one I should take
And that any missteps
Would only be mine
Our children will thrive
Because of my choice
I had to leave you so that
I could survive

Little Girl


Little girl, who are you?
I think I used to know your name.
But it was a long time ago,
and a lot of things have changed.
Most of what I used to know,
does not matter anymore.
Things I believed were true,
are not the same as before.
Little girl, where are you now?
I thought I heard your voice.
But I hear echoes in my mind,
so it could be I am wrong.
It doesn’t matter anyhow,
it would not be my choice,
I won’t be the one to find
the answers to your song.
Little girl, where have you been?
I’ve been waiting here a long time.
I think I remember when
I used to be you, before I lost my mind.